Project partner
 Project partner
 There is a clear connection between cycling without lights and accidents.
 Blinking light is essential to be spotted in the blind zone of any vehicle 
Temaanalyse dødsulykker.JPG
dinsiden. hjelm.JPG
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Temaanalyse dødsulykker hvor ulykker skjer.JPG
 66% of accidents happens in contact with cars or bigger vehicles
Problemet med mange av dagens sykkellykter..JPG
 This bike is very visible. The downside is that the bright light strikes the eye of the cyclist, and forces the pupil to contract. When the pupil contracts the night vision becomes poorer, and we react less on other lights. This could cause late rea
 Formula 1. Cars uses flashing brake lights. Flashing light has a superior effect on grabbing any driver’s attention. In a blind zone of a vehicle can this be a matter of life and death for a cyclist.  
 Seatpost ring concept. The ring is threaded onto the seatpost and fits all standard seatposts.  Advantages: Does not require tools to attach easy to use.  Disadvantages: Easy to steal.
Esthetic concept
  Bike saddle with integrated light. Concept banned after gaining meaningful insight, and realizing the importance of light in front of the bike.
 Quick sketches to preserve ideas and thoughts about lighting.
 After drawing some concepts, I found one that I really liked. After some research a similar product already existed. 
 The seatpost has been awarded RedDotAvard for it's minimalistic and simple design.
 “LightHorn” Concept drawing of bar ends with integrated light. The idea is to make the bike as big as possible. With two sources of light (left and right bar end), the cycle appears bigger than it is. The product does also alert drivers to check the
Silikonpad concept
Head tube concept
Final concept
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